Josep Anton Sànchez Espigares

The area in which I dedicate most of my activity is Computational Statistics. This is the product of fusing mathematical theory with practical information and then applying it to the statistical environment –more specifically, to statistical modeling (estimation, inference and prediction of models).

From an academic point of view, I am part of the Forecast and Time Series teaching team for the Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Statistics.

As far as research is concerned, I work mainly with models for repeated measures and longitudinal data (Mixed Linear and Generalized Models). Regarding business projects, I have performed profile and behavioral analysis for large companies by applying modeling and data mining techniques.

All the fields where I work have one thing in common: I always write programs in the statistical software package R.

School of Industrial Engineering
Department of Statistics and Operations Research
Avinguda Diagonal, 647
08028 Barcelona
93 401 67 37

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