Who are we?

The Analysis of Complex Data for Business Decisions (ADBD) Research Group is made up of 12 professors whose place of work is the Barcelona
School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB) and they
conduct their classes at the very same school, as
well as at the School of Mathematics and Statistics (FME).
Our areas of interest range from industrial statistics and quality management to prediction techniques for times series, multivariate analysis or Bayesian statistics.
As well as dedicating ourselves to teaching undergraduate courses (Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Organizational Engineering and Bachelor’s in Statistics)
and to research, which leads to publications in specialized journals, our group is characterized by our intensity in consulting businesses and organizations who work in our field of applied technical statistics.
We also organize courses directed toward professionals who wish to increase their professional capacities and we conduct courses which are tailored to individual businesses, especially concerning topics related to quality control and improvement.