Xavi Puig Oriol

"Abracadabra" let the data speak! This is my job. I always work with real data as main figure. I like to see the practical use of statistics. I have a weakness for categorical data and analysis of parametric clustering.
I feel comfortable with the Bayesian approach to statistics, since among many other virtues it provides the possibility of new graphical representations that help disseminate the results. Good analysis is of little use if the results are not presented in an understandable way, and this is not an easy task.
School of Industrial Engineering
Department of Statistics and Operations Research
Avinguda Diagonal, 647
08028 Barcelona
93 401 67 37
Collaborating Lecturer
► Group
Department of Statistics and Operations Research
Avinguda Diagonal, 647
08028 Barcelona
93 401 67 37
Collaborating Lecturer
► Group