Xavier Tort-Martorell Llabrés

The central axis of my research and my teaching has been related to quality and productivity, as much in certain statistical aspects such as experiment design and robust design (Taguchi) as in organizational aspects and improvement management (Lean and Six Sigma), and in quality management excellence models (EFQM). In both fields (statistical and organizational) I have always endeavored for the research to have a practical application or that it stem from some practical problem. This has allowed me to maintain a close relationship with the business world, a relationship marked by numerous collaboration agreements with businesses and sectors of various shapes and sizes.
Additionally, I dedicate part of my time to university management: I have been deputy director of industry relations at the School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB), director of the Department of Statistics and Operations Research and Deputy Rector. I am also very involved in divulgation and continuous education for professionals. Currently directing the Postgraduate Course: Improvement Programmes Lean Six Sigma (Black Belt level) and a part of the Master’s in Systems Integration (Quality, Risk and Environment), and for 22 years I have directed the Master in Quality Management.
Department of Statistics and Operations Research
Avinguda Diagonal, 647
08028 Barcelona
93 401 66 28
Assistant Professor
► Group